2013년 10월 28일 월요일

Cole Arguello's blog ::Notre Dame, Part II

Cole Arguello's blog ::Notre Dame, Part II

The               Notre               Dame               Athletic               Director               says               it               was               an               "extraordinary               burst               of               wind"               that               gusted               and               toppled               the               automatic               lift               from               which               Declan               Sullivan               was               taking               pictures.

Declan               Sullivan,               a               student               at               Notre               Dame,               was               hoisted               above               the               field               as               his               job               was               to               film               the               Notre               Dame               football               practice.

A               wind               gust               of               approximately               51               mph,               on               an               already               windy               day,               toppled               the               tower               on               which               Sullivan               stood,               killing               him               in               the               process.

The               Athletic               Director               of               Notre               Dame,               Jack               Swarbrick,               promised               a               full               investigation,               though               failed               to               say               who               was               responsible               and               why               a               student               was               placed               in               danger.

Notre               Dame               student               Declan               Sullivan               was               killed               when               the               automatic               lift               he               was               taking               pictures               from               was               toppled               by               a               strong               gust               of               wind.

It               had               been               a               windy               day               already               and               the               decision               of               the               Notre               Dame               Athletics               Department               was               a               dubious               decision.
               Placing               a               Notre               Dame               student               31-feet               up               in               the               air               for               the               purpose               of               filming               the               Notre               Dame               football               team               at               practice               is               questionable               at               best               and               criminal               at               worst.
               Notre               Dame               is               not               the               first               university               to               place               a               student               associated               with               athletics               in               danger.

It               is               doubtful               that               Notre               Dame               will               be               the               last,               as               this               is               a               cycle               that               has               been               repeating               itself               for               several               decades.

After               all,               winning               a               ballgame               and               selling               tickets               are               far               more               important               then               the               life               of               a               bright               university               student.

Didn't               you               know               it's               all               about               the               money?
               I               don't               mean               to               put               down               women's               sports               in               any               way;               however,               I               challenge               the               reader               to               try               to               recall               the               last               female               athlete               (or               anyone               associated               with               women's               athletics)               who               died               as               a               direct               result               of               the               schools               athletics               department.
               For               better               or               for               worse,               women's               sports               simply               don't               bring               in               the               type               of               money               that               men's               sports               do.

Thus,               there               is               far               less               pressure               on               the               female               athlete               or               team               member               than               there               is               on               the               male               counterpart.
               Forget               for               a               second               what               happened               at               Notre               Dame               and               the               death               of               Declan               Sullivan.

The               problem               of               negligence               and               knowingly               putting               students               at               risk               goes               all               the               way               down               to               to               High               School.
               Olivier               Louis,               a               15-year-old               Wekiva               High               School               football               player,               died               during               stretching               exercises               from               what               the               coroner               described               as               "exertional               sickling               due               to               sickle               cell               trait               and               heat               stress."
               I               have               to               question               the               medical               examination               this               child               went               through               in               order               to               join               the               football               team.

Was               it               performed               by               a               licensed               doctor,               or               did               the               doctor               just               look               the               other               way               because               football               is               so               damn               important               in               life?
               This               is               the               problem               that               has               developed               due               to               ridiculously               high               salaries               paid               to               professional               athletes.

This               is               the               problem               that               has               developed               due               to               schools               "selling               out"               entire               stadiums.

This               is               the               problem               of               a               society               that               often               sees               athletics,               rather               then               academics,               as               its               way               to               a               better               life.
               Was               it               necessary               for               Declan               Sullivan               to               be               31               feet               up               in               the               air,               taking               pictures               of               a               football               team               practicing,               on               an               exceptionally               windy               day?

A               day               that               was               seeing               wind               gusts               as               high               as               50               miles               per               hour?

No,               absolutely               not!
               This               is               fully               the               fault               of               Notre               Dame               and               its               Athletics               Department               for               placing               a               student               in               a               very               dangerous               situation.

From               personal               experience,               I               can               tell               you               that               many               construction               sites               will               shut               down               during               high-wind               days.
               There               is               too               much               money               at               stake               for               things               to               suddenly               change               from               the               status               quo.

What               I               do               think               is               that               the               amount               of               time               and               energy               spent               by               schools               all               around               the               United               States               would               be               put               to               far               better               use               if               focused               toward               academia               instead               of               sports.

Believe               it               or               not,               sports               are               a               recreational               activity,               or               at               least               they               are               supposed               to               be.

We               should               be               rewarding               the               brains               over               brawn,               and               in               the               process               we               will               likely               save               countless               lives.
               This               won't               happen,               however.

We'll               mourn               the               death               of               Notre               Dame               student               Declan               Sullivan,               there               will               be               a               lawsuit               or               three               and               soon               enough               we'll               forget               this               incident               and               be               back               to               business               as               usual.

Image of university of notre dame football tickets

university of notre dame football tickets
university of notre dame football tickets

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university of notre dame football tickets
university of notre dame football tickets

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university of notre dame football tickets
university of notre dame football tickets

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university of notre dame football tickets
university of notre dame football tickets

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university of notre dame football tickets
university of notre dame football tickets

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